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Ian Green

I'll stick this on my blogs. Imram it would be good to see how I can help out in this email me at greenboy106[at]hotmail[dot]com


I'll be up for that, as a web start-up based in the area, should be good.

Stuart Grimshaw

Even though I was there for 2 days, I missed talking to loads of people at BarcampSheffield, I can't help thinking it was an opportunity missed for myself and the other guys trying to put on ecex (http://www.ecex.org)

Did you miss the intro's at the beginning? I didn't even realise you were the OpenCoffee guy.


Hey Ian - love to get your help in organising OpenCoffee and Barcamp events for Leeds :)

Be good to meet you there Kevin...tell me more about your startup!

Stuart - yeh, I missed the first 45 minutes, but met Dave G in Leeds on Friday.

Maybe ecex can be a track at a future regional Barcamp?

How would you guys all like to be contributors to a regional blog we're launching in the next few weeks?

Dean Sadler

Hi guys,

OpenCoffee Sheffield has also been launched. Starts 10th July and runs monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.


Lets hope we can get some cross-pollination from these events and start making something happen :-)



Richard G

Missed it!

Hope it was a success. Are you having another one?

Imran Ali

Thanks Richard - it went great...come along to the next one on 3rd July :)

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